Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons
Captain Brown
Real Name Alan Stephens - Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons
Ricky Nolan - New Captain Scarlet
Steven Blackburn -
Date of Birth 14th January, 2033
Hair Brown
Eyes Amber
Race Human
Affiliation Spectrum Organisation
Role Spectrum Field Agent, Senior Staff Officer and Colour Code Captain
Allies Captain Scarlet
Colonel White
Other fellow Spectrum officers
Status Deceased (Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons)
Active on duty (New Captain Scarlet)
Appearances 2 installments (Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons)
2 installments (New Captain Scarlet)
Voice Actor(s) Charles Tingwell in Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons

Captain Brown, in Gerry Anderson's Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons, was the original field partner and close friend of Captain Scarlet.


The following history assumes that Captain Brown's real name was Alan Stephens.
Stephens left college and joined the World Army Air Force, where he gained degrees in aerospace design management, metal structural engineering and space related mathematics. His superiors were greatly impressed by his capacities in these various fields, and so they promoted him to head the organization responsible for research and development on a new top secret space ship project called ’Zero X.’

His success with the Zero X project led to Stephens working on a new, even more secret assignment: the design of the floating headquarters of a new security organization, to be called Spectrum. While working on this project, Stephens became a firm friend of Colonel White’s. White recognized Stephens’ expertise with cameras and electronic surveillance, gained during his time in the WAAF. Considering these skills, and his involvement in the conception of Cloudbase, Stephens was one of the first men to be chosen to become a Spectrum officer, and he received the codename of Brown.

His death

Captain Brown with Captain Scarlet before their death and Mysteron reconstruction.

In the year 2068, after their complex was attacked, illegally and without legitimate provocation, by Captain Black, the Mysterons vowed "slow but nonetheless effective" retaliation and declared a war of nerves, which would ultimately lead to the end of all lives on Earth. The first act of retaliation they threatened Earth with was the assassination of James T. Younger, President of the World Government of Earth. Colonel White gave Captain Brown his first taste of a field command by assigning him and Captain Scarlet to protect the World President.

Brown dead-1-

The corpse of the original Captain Brown.

They were driving down a mountain road in New York to rendezvous with Younger and escort him to a Spectrum Maximum Security Building. Captain Brown was put in charge of the escort operation, while Captain Scarlet was to report back to Cloudbase after the rendezvous had been put into effect. However the Mysterons used their powers to sabotage one of the tyres of their Spectrum Patrol car, causing it to skid off the road and drop to the bottom of a gully, exploding into flames and killing both officers. Captain Brown’s death was so instantaneous (from a broken neck) that he never knew what had struck him. Captain Scarlet, his field partner, was not so fortunate.

Captain Brown, Mysteron Agent

Captain brown living bomb

Captain Brown as a bomb

From the dead corpses of the two men, the Mysterons, using their powers of retro-metabolism, created exact likenesses of them with the goal of carrying out their threat. The Mysteron sent then their likeness of Captain Brown to assassinate the World President at Spectrum Maximum Security building.

When they arrived at the building and headed to the President's new suite, the Captain Brown likeness tried to kill the World President by turning into a smoking bomb. However, the President noticed the smoke pouring from the Spectrum agent's tunic and pressed an emergency button on the arm of his desk chair, whisking him away to safety while the building blew up. The first Mysteron attempt on his life had failed.

At Cloudbase, he and Colonel White watched a video tape of the incident, leading both of them to believe that Captain Brown had had a bomb concealed in his tunic, and that it was a trigger for a larger device planted in the building.

They were amazed by what had happened, for the Colonel said that Captain Brown had been "one of [his] finest men." It was not until later that he learnt that the corpse of the original Captain Brown had been found and the other was a Mysteron.


The following information, provided by[1], assumes that Captain Brown's real name was Steven Blackburn, as established by Mary J. Rudy in her contributions to[2] and thus accepted in fanon.
Consequently, Captain Brown never received his chance to command any missions till after the events on Mars, and the Mysterons’s first attack. Charged with protecting the World President, he was instead killed and taken over by the Mysterons. Soon after this, his wife, Rebecca Evershaw, left Spectrum and gave birth to a boy, whom she named Steven.


  • Because the character of Captain Brown only appeared in two episodes, his puppet was used for three main villains who in the same way were killed and reconstructed as Mysteron Agents: Major Reeves in Renegade Rocket, Nielsen in Noose of Ice and Professor Gabriel Carney in Codename Europa. He was also seen as some other minor characters: A barman in Special Assignment, Charlie Hansen in Fire at Rig 15 and Doctor Conrad in Flight 104. Sometimes, the puppet was also given some grey streaks in the hair depending on the age of the character.